Well, Joel is a month into his second rotation! Only 8 to go! This one is surgery, which he was NOT looking forward to. He thought he would be getting sick and passing out the whole 6 weeks, but to his surprise, he really loves it! He has been right in there assisting in surgery, holding intestines and other internal things, stitching people up from the inside out, draining abscesses, packing wounds, and all sorts of things. He has a new story to tell me every night when he gets home.
The hospital he is working at is about an hour away from our house. So the drive to and from, plus the long surgery hours makes for some really long days, but he is a trooper! I don't think I've heard him complain once. He loves the Dr. he works with, they get along great and have a really fun time.
At this point he is still thinking of starting off in a family practice office. At least to spend the first several years getting really well rounded, before he decides to specialize in anything particular. I am so excited that he has found something he truly loves, and I am really proud of all the hard work he is putting into this!
Steak Fajitas
1 day ago
WOO HOO! Go Joel! :) I am glad he is enjoying surgery! Love and miss you guys!!!