Monday, May 23, 2011

Best Surprise EVER!!
My mom hates surprises....but we had to do it anyway. It was hard....Joel and I had to lie a lot over the past 2 months, just to make moms mother's day a little extra special! We got on a plane EARLY sunday morning and flew home, just in time for dinner! Little did mom know....her last 2 kids would be walking through the door(Dad and Aaron didn't know either) We pulled it all off with the help of Michael and Kayla....It was all so exciting and fun :) I know she looks a little pissed in the first picture, but thats just shock :)

Oh how I missed her!!! And of course everyone else!!

Michael made YUMMY pork tacos.....
The next day sister came back over and we worked on some little crafts...the whole rest of the week was kind of a went by way too fast! But I'll take any minute I can get!

I got to go to Deanna's graduation!!! She is all grown up and so smart! :)
While we were waiting for mom to come pick us up Joel played a little arcade game and got the highest score, first try.....ya, he's pretty good!
Mom and I went to lunch with Heather and Summer.....and we laughed till we cried, like usual.
We got to see Grandma!!
I went to see Katella and her beautiful girls! Love and miss her so much!
We went and ate some delicious wings....

Met a bunch of friends for dinner and then went to the park.....
Got to see Pete and Courtney's adorable TINY girl!!
We miss them all So much!!
We saw Kelly's school dance class perform! Woo! Woo!
Byron and the kids drove up to hang out for a few days and we got to meet Candace!!
We love her! She and Byron are so cute together, they look so happy and she is amazing with Caden and Kinley.....couldn't ask for a better future sister-in-law....
Little Kin loves Joel....

We ate our all time favorite....Cafe Rio sweet pork salad!! We are already suffering from withdrawls...
Miss beautiful Kelly.....
Fun at the park...

Caden and Grandpa riding on the tractor....

He's so cute............I just love him!

We went over to moms house again for Sunday Brunch....she made amazing french toast casserole and a sausage egg and cheese casserole, and had lots of yummy fruit! I can't believe I did not take any pictures of the food! :) Carol, Aaron and Rachel came over, it was so good to see them, even for just a couple hours....

Aaron was such a good sport....poor guy had just gotten his wisdom teeth out and his tongue clipped a couple nights before we got there....but we couldn't have him re-schedule and ruin the surprise!! I sure do love my little buddy!
And then we were off on a plane again.........back to tornado country!
The End!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!!
Beautiful arrangements huh???
The 18 wheeler trailer we kept all our flowers in and about 80 arrangements already made up to go out the next morning....FROZE.......It was crazy we had to take the phones off the hook and the designers had order any flowers our wholesalers had left and re-do EVERYTHING they had done the previous day, before they could even think about making the next 100 tickets that had to go out the next day or taking any new was horrible! But they pulled it off! They are pretty amazing!